Hi Humans!
When I first started my online business, I wanted to use a system that was easy to navigate, update, and processed everything on the back end. Etsy seemed like the most logical and popular option, even though there are many other small business platforms.
After a solid 7 months on Etsy, I have grown in my business, and have a much better understanding of it. It's all about growth, right? So I have started another platform here with Square Site to see how well I can perform.
I often update the items in my shop so be sure to check out my social media channels or refresh my shop on Etsy to see the latest available. If you are looking for something specific, please reach out to me and I can see if I can acquire it for you.
I'm crazy in love with crystals and hope to help you on your journey of using crystals for their healing energy. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at blessyourvibes@gmail.com.
Blessings my beloveds! Bless Your Vibes!
~Chelle Reed
Bless Your Vibes - Cancer Support Studio